Meltdown and Spectre – What is it in simple terms!

Meltdown and Spectre – What is it in simple terms!

The recent discoveries of new vulnerabilities on the computer chips that power most of our computers have left practitioners scrambling to come up with solutions. Unfortunately, as these vulnerabilities occur at the chip (hardware) level, these are more difficult to...
7 Bonuses for Small Business in Office 365

7 Bonuses for Small Business in Office 365

You’ve seen all the ads for Office 365. They’re popping up on your desktop, your employees are sending you meaningful looks, and clearly, it’s not going away. You’ve probably even jumped online to see what all the fuss is about. But is Office...
Why Your Business Should Upgrade To A Managed Anti-Virus System

Why Your Business Should Upgrade To A Managed Anti-Virus System

Anti-virus programs don’t catch viruses when they’re not running. Yes, it’s blatantly obvious, but what’s not always clear is how often your staff are disabling your anti-virus programs so they can squeeze in a little playtime. Maybe download and install a game, free...
The KRACK WiFi Vulnerability: How to stay safe

The KRACK WiFi Vulnerability: How to stay safe

An open source report has confirmed a vulnerability in the WPA2 protocol, which is used to secure most modern WiFi networks. This vulnerability has been named “Key Reinstallation Attacks” or KRACK . Without going into the technical details as how the...
Cyber Security – Ways to Travel Safe for Business

Cyber Security – Ways to Travel Safe for Business

With current IT advancements, working from anywhere is now as simple as accessing the internet on your device. Owners, managers and employees are embracing the flexibility of working while traveling, making it the new global norm. While you were in the comforts of the...
Quick Security Tips To Help Keep Your Business Safe

Quick Security Tips To Help Keep Your Business Safe

Every employee shares one inescapable flaw that is putting your business at risk – They are human. 59% of data breaches can be traced back to something an employee did (or did not do), which invited a cyber-attack. To lock hackers out, build security awareness...
Boost Your Email Impact With These Smart Strategies

Boost Your Email Impact With These Smart Strategies

Most small businesses rely on email as their preferred form of communication. Either internally or externally to clients, customers and suppliers, email is the go-to format we cannot do without. Our obsession with it is no surprise – it’s quick, simple and provides a...
143 million Customers Exposed in Financial Data Breach

143 million Customers Exposed in Financial Data Breach

Credit reporting company Equifax has just revealed that its databases were hacked in a large-scale breach affecting millions across the US, UK & Canada. While no hacking event is ever good news, some are easier to ignore than others but unfortunately this isn’t...
Why Managed IT Services Will Save You More Money

Why Managed IT Services Will Save You More Money

“Downtime costs money.” That’s no secret, but it doesn’t quite capture the whole experience. Imagine the following: Monday Morning ... You arrive at work in the morning, grab your cup of coffee and are ready to dive in for what is going to be a long tiring day. But...