The COVID-19 pandemic and resulting Circuit Breaker here in Singapore have completely changed the way people live and work for roughly a year now. A majority of companies had to send employees home to work remotely and adjust to new ways to serve clients, such as...
Much of a company’s value and livelihood is held within its data. This includes data on customers, customer projects, product and service collateral, accounting entries, and much more. We’ve become used to searching in a cloud storage folder based on a keyword instead...
The technology environment of today is in the cloud. The cloud has gone from being a new phenomenon to the standard way that businesses need to set up operations to be resilient and flexible. For any latecomers that were not yet using cloud processes at the beginning...
Technology marches on and evolves at a rapid pace. And part of that evolution is leaving behind outdated technologies, even those that may have been popular in their prime. Two names that used to be big in the online world are being phased out as we enter a new year....
According to a report by Channel News Asia, during the first part of 2020 COVID-19 related cyberattacks increased over 100x. Phishing, ransomware, data breaches, and other cyber threats became worse last year, spurred on by the disruption of the pandemic. In 2021,...
A survey of companies across 26 countries, including Singapore, found that 70% of businesses have suffered a public cloud breach within the last 12 months. Cloud security has become a major issue following the migration of a majority of organizations to cloud...
Two trends in the global workforce that have been accelerated by the pandemic are virtually run businesses and freelance workers. Both groups forgo the traditional office environment to reduce costs and rely heavily on cloud services to run their businesses from...
When it comes to backup and recovery, most Singapore businesses understand the importance of making a backup copy of all the files that reside on their computers and servers. But with much of a company’s data is now located in cloud productivity platforms like G...
When you’re a small business owner, you’re often balancing your budget with your needs. You may try to do as much yourself as possible because you feel it’s saving your business money. But there are some aspects of your business that can actually cost you more if you...
We are delighted to learn that we have made it, to be part of the 45 finalists, of the Channel Asia Innovation Awards 2020. It is humbling to know that we have been selected to be a finalist from a record-breaking 332 nominations. In keeping with our focus on managing...