What’s the Best Replacement Cycle for Business Computers?

What’s the Best Replacement Cycle for Business Computers?

Do you know how much it’s costing you to keep business computers in operation longer than you should? It’s not always apparent from the outside of a computer when it should be replaced, and performance issues tend to sneak up little by little over time.  Small...
TechVideo: Working With Microsoft OneDrive

TechVideo: Working With Microsoft OneDrive

Here’s how to make collaboration as easy as possible If you are a current Office 365 user, you must be aware of the capabilities of OneDrive. Yes, the one that brings to you the capabilities for document sharing and collaboration with your teammates. Current users of...
How to Transition from a Physical to a Completely Virtual Business

How to Transition from a Physical to a Completely Virtual Business

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses in Singapore went through a lot of disruption, along with the rest of the world. They had to quickly transition to a remote working environment during Circuit Breaker, leaving offices empty.  While this has typically...
TechVideo: You Need Business Anti-Virus

TechVideo: You Need Business Anti-Virus

We all understand the need to protect our business technology devices. A fundamental building block of that protection is the use of a business-grade anti-virus. While technology protection has advanced, it is still a necessity to have an automated, up-to-date...
The Importance of Using a Business VPN in a Remote-Working World

The Importance of Using a Business VPN in a Remote-Working World

While remote working was already a growing trend prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, the crisis accelerated the process. It has now forever changed the way that many businesses operate in Singapore and around the world. A survey of CFOs revealed that 74% of them intend to...
TechVideo: Backup For Business Continuity

TechVideo: Backup For Business Continuity

Backups – Don’t Ignore Them! We work with data every single day. Emails, spreadsheets, documents, presentations. Have you paused to think what happens if your workstation, your network-attached-storage, or your file-server malfunctions and is no longer...
TechVideo: Microsoft Teams Makes Collaborative Work Hassle Free

TechVideo: Microsoft Teams Makes Collaborative Work Hassle Free

Working From Home / Remote Work Should Not Be a Stressful Experience! Most of us are still working for home and even when we are able to return to the office, there is every likelihood that every organization will be required to deploy some form of remote or working...
6 Practical Ways to Use SharePoint to Increase Efficiency

6 Practical Ways to Use SharePoint to Increase Efficiency

Because SharePoint in Microsoft 365 can do so many things, it’s often misunderstood. Some companies don’t fully utilize the app because they’re just not sure exactly how to use it. But if you take advantage of this versatile cloud solution, you can boost efficiency,...
TechGuide: Work Anywhere, Anytime, On Any Device

TechGuide: Work Anywhere, Anytime, On Any Device

Does Your Business Technology Setup Allow For You And Your Team to Work Anywhere, On Any Device, At Any Time? 2020 was supposed to be a breakout year. The start of a new decade, the chance for significant growth and advancement. Unfortunately, it did not quite go to...