TechVideo: Your employees are your biggest cyber-security threat

TechVideo: Your employees are your biggest cyber-security threat

Your employees are your biggest cybersecurity threat Cyber-crime is a real threat that needs to be taken very seriously. To protect your business and its assets, you may already have some measures in place – typically, anti-virus, firewalls, and a virtual...
What’s the Best Way to Keep Our Cloud Apps Secure?

What’s the Best Way to Keep Our Cloud Apps Secure?

How secure is the data in your cloud applications? Probably not as secure as you might think. Many small businesses in Singapore and the rest of the world have made the transition to the cloud, and cyberattacks have followed the data there. As many as 59% of surveyed...
Are You Making the Most of Microsoft Teams? (Security, VoIP, etc.)

Are You Making the Most of Microsoft Teams? (Security, VoIP, etc.)

During the Circuit Breaker measures here in Singapore and stay-at-home orders throughout the world, cloud software that keeps remote employees connected has moved to the top of the IT necessity list. Without cloud services, this pandemic would’ve looked much...
TechGuide: 7 Crucial Steps To Keep Your Company Data Safe On BYOD

TechGuide: 7 Crucial Steps To Keep Your Company Data Safe On BYOD

How to keep your business’s data safe while your team are using their own devices With the current situation, some businesses have resorted to making their staff/employees use their own personal devices to access company/business data. In the industry, this is known...
Can We Save Money by Having Our Cloud Services Customized?

Can We Save Money by Having Our Cloud Services Customized?

We recently discussed the importance of having small business cloud solutions customized for a number of beneficial reasons. Not all companies operate in the same way, and all cloud solutions don’t fit perfectly “out of the box.”  In this article, we’re going to...
Day 1 – “Circuit Breaker”

Day 1 – “Circuit Breaker”

07 Apr 2020 – Day 1 of the “Circuit Breaker” Lockdown in Singapore. All non-essential businesses are required to telecommute and all dining places have to revert to take-outs. We live in unusual times and we need to be able to adapt to the changes....