Your business has grown and you have been adding new team members and computers along the way. Now that you are sure everything is on track to succeed, perhaps its time to level up your network, to something more robust and scalable. Why? Here are top 5 reasons to...
For many Small Businesses, moving to the Cloud seems to be a natural step in business growth, no thanks to the numerous and continually growing benefits. With more applications, many of which are web and mobile ready, employees are familiar with the use of web and...
There has been a lot of talk about the Cloud and Cloud Computing has been the buzzword for quite some time. But what actually is the cloud? Do you understand it? Do you use it? Should you? Should your business? At its core, Cloud Computing is about storing and...
With the increasing threats of fires, freak thunderstorms and cyber terrorism echoing for a number of years, it is certainly not a case of “IF” a disaster will strike your business, but rather, its a question of “WHEN”. When that happens, is...
Defense in depth. Layered Security. These are common terms touted in Cyber and Information Systems Security. While one can deploy the most technologically advanced security feature, one cannot ignore the importance of the human element. Your users, your staff, your...
Updating your business software is one of your best protections against IT Security breaches and cyber-attacks, but actually going through and running the updates is a task that often gets overlooked. Either they take too long, they pop up at inconvenient times, or...
As cyber-attacks continue to make headlines and unlawful access to customer data rises, one might think that it must be a daunting task to minimize these risks and exposure. However, like with any threat, it is important to get the basics right. Here are some simple...
Firewalls are a well-known security essential and recently, business owners have been catching on as big fans. But did you know that a firewall alone is not enough to keep your business safe? Imagine the scenario of building a fence around your house to keep out...
Managed IT Service Providers (MSPs) help businesses take a proactive approach to managing their technology without the expense of hiring an in-house IT team. Your MSP is essentially a collection of niche technology experts working behind the scenes to keep your...
This morning, we received a promotional email promoting IT services with the following statement in color and in bold. “We won’t charge if we can’t fix it” That’s great. Business owners won’t have to pay anything if the provider in...